Councillor, Holloway Ward | Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Finance, Planning and Performance

Councillor Diarmaid Ward - Councillor, Holloway Ward | Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Finance, Planning and Performance
Contact Councillor Diarmaid Ward
  • Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD
Diarmaid was first elected as a councillor for Holloway in 2014. Diarmaid has served as the full time Executive Member for Housing and Development since 2016, and is currently the Executive Member for Finance, Planning and Performance. Diarmaid has served as a School Governor at St Andrew’s Primary School since 2013. In his spare time, Diarmaid is also a keen runner, and completed the London Marathon in 2012 to raise funds for Oxfam, and the 2013 Belfast Marathon to raise funds for Care for Cancer.
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