Barnsbury Labour Councillors
Labour Councillors for Barnsbury
We are your Labour Councillors for Barnsbury. Here are updates, surgery and councillor details. For individual Councillor contact details please click on their profiles.Surgeries:Cllrs Champion, Chowdhury & Nargund operate fixed surgeries that are held on a monthly basis from 10am – 11am at the following venues:• Saturday 2 September - Half Moon Community Centre, 183 Wynford Road, N1 9TZ• Saturday 7 October - West Library, Bridgeman Road, N1 1BD• Saturday 11 November - Half Moon Community Centre, 183 Wynford Road, N1 9TZ• Saturday 9 December - West Library, Bridgeman Road, N1 1BDRoving surgeries are also held. Please contact the councillors direct for further details.